Change log

Implemented changes

2024-09-02: added dapp_definition to /v1/entity/dapp_definitions containing the actual account address

2024-08-27: moved infrastructure to kubernetes

2024-08-27: new website released

2024-08-26: added new endpoint /v1/transaction/count

2024-06-16: launched listing feature for supply data to CoinGecko and CoinMarketCap

2024-06-14: launched stokenet version of the data service

2024-05-05: purchase function for API plans. Former flatrates will expire on May 15th

2024-02-22: added events to transaction WebSocket

2024-02-09: added balance_changes to account/transactions; added a new endpoint


2024-01-24: added a new endpoint


2024-01-14: added help section and video for ROLA as a Service

2024-01-14: added two new endpoints





has been adapted. The endpoint now returns the creation timestamp and the type of the given entity and provides the metadata values decoded.


has been added and returns the most recent transactions for each of the given addresses with a maximum of 100 addresses and 1000 transactions each.

2024-01-01: The following endpoints were changed:


will change to:



will change to:



will change to:


2024-01-01: The following endpoints seemed to be unused and were removed:






2024-01-01: The following endpoints were added to enable ROLA as a service:



2023-12-19: Added possibility to create a profile and mint a badge

2023-12-03: Terms and Conditions released

Last updated